Intermediate Pistol

The RDI Intermediate Pistol Course is crafted to enhance your foundational shooting abilities and elevate your handgun proficiency. This course is perfect for individuals who have either completed an introductory pistol course or who have a fundamental grasp of handgun mechanics. By the conclusion of the training, participants will have honed essential skills in engaging targets effectively and will be proficient in the fundamentals of shooting. This course is particularly beneficial for those intending to pursue the License to Carry (LTC) course and qualification.


Semi-auto pistol of 9mm or larger caliber
3x magazines
300 rounds ammunition
Comfortable clothing (weather appropriate)
Eye and Ear protection
Water, snacks, bug spray and sun block


Student cap: 12
Location: RDI Training Center
Class Time: 0900-1600 (One hour for lunch)
Cost: $125.00

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